Katie Jones's Blog

Katie is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She graduated from Grinnell College with a BA in History. She is a second year Master of Public Health student in the Community and Behavioral Health department at the University of Iowa. She works for the MPH Department and for the Iowa Cancer Consortium. She is interested in many public health topics, including health disparities, chronic disease prevention, sexual assault and domestic violence prevention, and health communication. In her spare time, she enjoys cycling and playing board games with friends.

This student blog is unedited and does not necessarily reflect the views of the College of Public Health or the University of Iowa.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Breast Health Summit

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post! Between spending time on my practicum event, keeping up with school, working my two jobs, and job hunting, my blogging has gone by the way-side. Things have calmed down a little though now that my practicum event is basically complete! My practicum has been organizing, implementing, and evaluating a Breast Health Summit. The Summit itself happened on March 10th in Cedar Rapids. The event was a day-long and focused on African American women, although health care providers and public health professionals were welcome to attend as well. 78 people ended up attending and it went really well.

Here's the save the date I made for the event

One of the biggest take-home lessons I got from the whole experience was a reminder on the importance of working with members of the targeted community in all stages of planning, implementing, and evaluating the event. Women who are leaders in the Cedar Rapids African American faith community were involved right from day one in planning this event. Without their involvement and all the time they dedicated to this project, the event would have been a lot less well attended and not nearly as effective.

The Gazette wrote a great piece about breast cancer in African American women and the Summit before it happened. Some members of the planning committee and two speakers at the Summit are interviewed in it. That article is available here.

In other news, I am planning on following the Affordable Care Act supreme court case closely these next few days! NPR has had some great articles about the case recently, including this one.

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